Bits and Pieces . . .
- Francois Lake had an excellent baseball diamond over the years. Below are a few photos taken around 1948. Some of the palyers were; Sam & Claude & Bud Lord, Kip & Ken Routeley, Arnie Peebles, Bob Jones, Lawson Sugden, Barry Grainger. The score keeper was Paul Piche.

- This photo below is from the collection of Hugh and Josie Neave. It is a team from the late 1940's early 1950's, approx. L to R is Art Tourond, John Keefe, Peter Neave, Sam Lord, Arnie Peebles, Claud Lord, Bud Lord, Bob Peebles, Pete Tourond, and Earl Deeder.
- A thriving fur trade business flourished along the shores of Francois Lake . Below is a picture of Art and Pete Tourond with furs in front of Neave's store at Francois Lake in the early 1940's.
- May Day celebrations at Francois Lake. (Individuals & dates unknown)
- Francois Lake Residents in 1945
NOTE: These names were collected from various sources. The list should in no way be considered complete and accurate.
Cooper Lee H - Farmer
Cooper William - Farmer
Corliss Clarence -
Corner W - Ferryman BC Govt
Culp George - Retired
Deeder Earl H - Farmer
Forde Pat - Active Service
Funnell William E - Market Gardener
Gardiner Frederick A - Farmer
Henkel Jacob W - Retired
Hickey Clarence - Farmer
Hickey James J - Farmer
Hickey Everead - Farmer
Howson Doug - Mechanic
Jeffrey James M - Farmer
Jeffrey Robert - Retired
Jeffrey Robert R Jr. - Laborer
Jones J R - J P Ranch
Jones Mrs. J R - J P Ranch
Keefe Edith - Nurse
Keefe John H - Farmer
Keefe Marion - Active Service
Lord R E -
McKinnon A - Master Mariner BC Govt
Mulvany Tryarn P L - Notary
Neave Mrs. Agnes H - Postmistress
Neave Harold H - General Store
Neave Hugh - Clerk Gen Store
Nicholson John T - Prop F L Lumber
Peebles Peter - Farmer
Peterson - Widow
Russel Robert A - Active Service
Stanton Cornelius H - Farmer
Stanton George B - Prop F L Fisheries
Surden Jos G P - Farmer
Thomsen Thos S - Prospector
Vanzanten James H - Farmer
Walker Andrew D - Farmer
Walker John R - Retired
Weatherspoon Archie J - Retired
- Francois Lake Post Office: opened in April 1, 1910 and is still open. Postmasters were:
- W D Harris
- L O Ford
- Robt R Jeffrey
- J L Short
- John A McLean
- Mrs Ida E Prosser
- Mrs Edith H Taylor
- Mrs Agnes Helen Neave
- Hugh Neave