"Deeper Roots and Greener Valleys"
by Fraser lake & District Historical Society, 1986
ISBN 0-9692341-0-4
Fraser lake & District Historical Society
PO Box 57
Fraser Lake BC
Canada V0J 1S0
"Deeper Roots and Greener Valleys" is a history book about the Fraser Lake area, located in the heart of what is now known as the Omineca District of British Columbia, a province of Canada. Fort Fraser, Fraser Lake and Endako are situated along a thirty-two kilometer stretch of Highway 16, approximately one hundred and thirty-five kilometers west of the city of Prince George. Fraser Lake is the largest of the three settlements, having attained village status in 1966. It was not always so, however. During the construction of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railroad, Fort Fraser was well on its way to becoming a city with a population upwards of three thousand. Endako, which was a divisional point for the railroad, had a population estimated at one thousand.
List of some Names and Topics contained in the book
Adams Lake
Adoc, Harry
Alcan Aluminium Company
Allard, Father Joseph
Allen, H.
Alexander, Chief Factor
Anderson, Bill
Anderson, Charlie
Anderson, Miss
Annan, A. G. (Sandy)
Annan, Mrs. G. C.
Archbishop DuVernet
Arthurs, Steve
Artress, Edgar
Artress, Edna
Aslin, Fred
Atlantic Cable
Axel and Pete
Babine Lake
Babine Post
Baker, Russ
Bamford, Doctor and Mrs.
Bank of Hamilton
Bannister, Dennis
Barr, Karla
Barr, Wayne
Barrett - Telegraph Operator
Beauchamp, Mr.
Beaumont, Mr.
Beaumont Park
Beaver Lakes
Bella Coola
Bellack, Henry
Belsham, Alice
Belsham, Kate
Belsham, Ted
Belt, Clayton
Bennet, Mr. (Sr.)
Bering Straits
Bibby, Family
Bibby, John
Bibby, Lily
Bibby, Maurice
Bibby, Shirley
Bibby, Ted
Bill, Francois
Binta Lake
Bisanz, Mickie
Bishop of Calendonia
Bishop, Hill
Black, Bert (family Marion, Linton)
Black, Eleanor (nee Chilton)
Black, Ivan
Black, Jennifer
Blackwater River
Blackwater Road
Blackwater Trail
Blackwater Valley
Blair Store
Blair, William
Blake, Hughie
Blanchet, Father
Blench, Tom
Bolton Family
Bolton, John
Bonner, Charlie
Bonser, Captain (of Chilco)
Borel Lake
Bostrum, John
Bouchard, Jean Baptiste
Bower, Conrad and Rose
Bower, Dolly
Bower, Herb
Bower, Ray
Bozard, Mr.
Braaton, Alvin
Brain, Margaret (nee Braithwaite)
Braithwaite, Emma E.
Braithwaite, John (Jack)
Braithwaite, Sally
Braman, Albert
Braman, Kay
Briand, Mrs
Brindamour, Adalard
Brindamour, Bernadette
Brindamour, Camille
Brindamour, Cecile
Brindamour, Edmund
Brindamour, Emile
Brindamour, Hector and Amanda
Brindamour, Lucienne
Brindamour, Marie
Brindamour, Paul
Brindamour, Rene
Brink, Mr.
British Columbia Central Interior
British Columbia Government
British Columbia Hydro
Broadbent, Tom (family) Sr.
Broughton and McNeil
Bronger, John
Brown, Corporal
Brownlee, J. H
Bunting, Joan
Bunting, Mr. and Mrs. William
Bunting, William (Store owner)
Burke, Bill
Burke, Paddy
Burnett, Mr
Burns, John
Burns Lake
Burns, Leo
Burns, Louise (nee Steiner)
Burns, PatBurns River
Burton, Betty
Burr, Berna (Gunning)
Cabin Lake
Caldwell, Art
Caldwell, Matt
Caledonia District
Callier, Morris
Cameron, Doctor
Canadian National Railway
Canadian Pacific Railway
Cariboo District
Cariboo Road
Carline, Mrs. (teacher)
Carlson, Billie
Carlson, Gus and Mildred
Carlson, Mrs. (teacher)
Carlson, Mrs. Andy
Carlson Rapids
Carrier Indians
Carrier Language
Carrier Legends
Carrier Trails
Carrol, Alice
Carter, Don
Carter's (Rockhaven)
Cataline, Jean Caux (packer)
Chamber of Commerce
Chamberlain, Audrey
Cheslatta Indians
Cheslatta Lake
Chisholm Trail
Chowsunket Lake and Road
Christensen, Crichton and Winona
Christensen, Hyrum
Christian Hill
Clarke Ferry
Clarke, Fred
Claudsworthy, Miss.
Clifford, G. M.
Coccola, Father Nicholas
Coggan, Donald
Connelly, Mabel
Connelly, Mark
Constantineau, Charles
Cooksey Family
Copley, George V.
Corbolt, Miss (teacher)
Cronin, Kay
Crowell, Pat
Cuker, Walter
Cullis, Jim
Cunliffe, Edith
Cunningham, Allen
Cunningham, Bert
Cunningham, Vic
Currie, May
Cuzner, Doctor
DaCosta, Doctor
Dahl, Mr. and Mrs
Dahlgren, Carolina
Dahlgren, Louie (Lars)
Dahlgren Road
Daniels, Jack
Daniels, Miss
Davis, Milton (Slim)
Day, Andy (family)
Deadman Lake
Delabo, Sam
Demque, Billie
Department of Veteran's Affairs
Dewit's Mountain
Dewit, Roy
Diamond Willow Farm125
Dibblee, E. (family)
Dobson, Reverend Arthur
Dog Creek Road (trail)
Dog Team
Dominion Government's Yukon Telegraph Line
Dominion Stock and Bond Corp
Drainy Meadow
Dry William Lake
Dupuis, Maurice
Edison Gramophone
Ellis, Sam
Endako General Store
Endako Hotel
Endako Mine
Endako River
Endako River Motel
Engleson, Harold
Falkner, Jack (John - family)
Fawcett, Edith
Fawcett, William (family)
Federal Government
Feierabend, Hans
Ferry System
Findlay, Doctor Stanley
Foote, Charles
Foote, Frances (Franks)
Foote, Grace (nee Steeg)
Foote, Hollis Bentley
Foote, Howard (family)
Foote, Margarita
Foote, Olive (Leslie)
Foote, Robert
Foote, Roy
Foote, Ruth
Foote, Sarah
Foote, Vesta (Leslie - Philpott)
Foote, Whitney
Foote's Roadhouse
Forestry Beach
Foresland, Harold
Forsythe, Louie
Forsythe, Muriel
Fort Fraser
Fort Fraser Co-op
Fort Fraser District
Fort Fraser Ferry
Fort Fraser Hall
Fort Fraser Hotel
Fort Fraser Jail
Fort Fraser Land District43
Fort Fraser Post (Hudson's Bay)
Fort George
Fort St. James
Foster, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Four Mile Creek
Fraser, John
Fraser Lake Garage
Fraser Lake General Store
Fraser Lake Gov't Wharf
Fraser Lake Hotel
Fraser Lake Post (Hudson's Bay)
Fraser Lake Townsite
Fraser River
Fraser, Simon
Grand Trunk Pacific Roundhouse
Gaffney, Dean
Gamble, Mr. (school inspector)
Gardner, Lily
Gardner, Sidney
Gause, Karl
Gayer, Bob27
Gayer, Hattie
Geernaert, Ivan
Geissler, Rudolph
George, Chief Maxime
George, Fisherman
Gerhardi, Eddie
Gillespie, Wayne
Gilserhyu (Phratry)
Girl Guide Association
Glenannan Bridge
Glenannan Store
Godel, Doctor John
Godfrey, Caroline
Goertz, Gerry
Golden Spike (railroad)
Goodall, Ed (family)
Goodlad, June
Goodlad, Roger
Goodlad, Thomas
Goodlad, William
Goodwin, Arthur
Goose Lake (meadow)
Gordon's Flat
Government Building
Gow, Doctor, Alan
Gower, Gordon
Graham, Merle
Graham, Reverend Hugh
Graham, Sandy
Grand Trunk Pacific Railway
Grant, Charles
Green, Jack
Green, Mr. and Mrs. Lemuel
Green, Vera
Greenwood, H. E. A.
Greer Valley
Grimmond, Pat
Gumm, Mr.
Gunning, Alfred
Gunning, Cecil
Gunning, Emma
Gunning Rapids
Hales, Reverend L.
Hallet Lake
Halverson, Mr.
Hamerlie, Miss.
Hamilton, Gavin and Tom
Hamilton, Mr.
Hanayah, Chief
Hansa Rose Bush
Harmon, Daniel Williams
Harper, Thaddeus (Bros.)
Hartman, Eleanor (Morley)
Hartman, Gerry
Hartman, Irene
Hartman, Merle (family)
Harvey, Miss Ruth
Hassel, Miss.
Hawker, Thomas
Haydon, O. N.
Hazard, Mr.
Hazelton Land District Office
Hedren, Ernie
'Henley, Corporal W. R.
Hermanson, Gus
Heron, Joe
Hewk, Mr. and Mrs.
Hickenbothan, Clarence
Highway 16
Highways Department
Hindman, Winnie
Holmes, Mr.
Hoodless, Adelaide (Women's Institute)
Hudson's Bay Company
Huntley Island
Indian Lady (No Talk)
Irish, Doctor
Irwin, Wilbert
Isadore, Moise
Jackson, Thomas
Jackson, Walter
Jacobson, Brothers
Jacobson, Juanita
Jacobson, P. Ted (family)
Jeruse and Hamill Hotel
Johansson, Felix
Johnson, Alice
Johnson, Arthur
Johnson, Jonas
Johnson, Kathleen (Morrow)
Johnson, Miss (teacher)
Johnson, Mr. (section foreman)
Johnson, Reverend Carl
Johnson, Ruth
Kelly, Doctor Albert
Kelly, Mr.
Kelly, Reverend G.
Kemp, John (Jock)
Kenney Dam
Kerr, G.
Kerr, M.
Kerr, Miss.
Kettyle, Mr. and Mrs.
King, Harold (family)
Kirby, James E.
Kirkbride, Ruby
Kirkland, George
Kirkland, John
Klondike Cattle Drive
Klondike Gold Fields
Klootchman (Packer)
Knapp Lake
Knight, Frank
Krocker, Miss
Kyle, Mr. (CNR Station Agent)
Kynock, Alex
Lacerte, Philip
Lake Town
Laksilyu (Phratry)
Lamb, Doctor
Lamb, Rob
Lancaster, Reverend Cecil
Langley, Alfred
Larkey Family
Larson (Beef Farm)
Larson, Edwin and Catherine
Larson, Harold
Larson, Herman
Larson, Hill
Larson, Lief
Larson, Olaf
Larson, Martin, (Sr.)
Laveck, Bill
Lazier, Colonel
Lazier, Doctor
Lazier, Ted
Leary, Miss Lottie
LeDuke, Cecil
LeDuke, Harry
LeDuke, Louisa
Lee, Norman
Lee, Tom and Eva
Lejac Boys' Band
Lejac Cemetery
Lejac Residential Indian School.
Lejacq, Father
LePoidevin, Doug
LePoidevin, Keith
LePoidevin, Norman
Leslie, Helen
Leslie, Joseph
Leslie, Mary
Leslie, Olive (nee Foote)
Leslie, Philip
Leslie, Raymond
Leslie, Robert (Bob)
Leslie, William (Sr.)
Leslie, Wilma
Lily Creek
Lily Lake
Lindholm, Doctor
Little Lake (Stellaquo)
Long Charlie, Alex
Lorenzo, Ann
Lowe, Francis
Luggi, Peter
MacDonald, Harvey
MacDougal, Archie
MacFarlane, Chief Factor
MacKenzie, Colin
MacKenzie, George and Margaret
MacLeod, Norman
McAllan, W. (Indian Agent)
McCallum, Miss.
McChesney, Bill
McCormack, Reverend
McDonald, Kitty
McDougall, Mr.
McGee, Doctor
McGettigan Hotel
McGettigan, Paddy and Phil
McIntosh, Donald
McIntosh, Ed (MacIntosh)
McKay, Mary
McKeown, William
McKinnale, Mrs.
McLean, S.
McLean, Stanley
McLeod Lake
McLeod, Doctor Murdock
McMaster, Jack and Doreen
McMaster, Louie
McMeekin, Dot(J. F.)
McMeekin, James
McMeekin, Mrs. James
McNabb, Alick
McQuillan, Mildred
Makins, Betty
Makins, Fredrick and Maude
Malone, Mrs.
Malovitch, Leonard
Mann, Darwin
Manson, John
Fort Fraser
Fraser Lake Town.
Francois Lake/Nithi Valley
Indian Trails
Martin, Angus
Martin, Archie
Martin, Jack
Massalium, Miss Marie
Matheson, Kay
Matthews, . A.
Matthews, Lorraine
Megason, Mr.
Melish, Mary
Mercer, Harold
Merrit, Miss.
Miller, Mr.
Milne's Landing
Minard, Mr.
Ministry of Lands
Ministry of Mines.
Mitchell, E. A.
Moberly, J.
Moore, Doris
Moore, Helen
Moore, J. D.
Moore, Miss Esther
Mooney, Doctor
Moran, Tom
Moretti (Hotel Owner)
Morice, Father Adrian
Morley, Eleanor (Hartman)
Morley Family
Morley, Walter.
Morrison, Doctor
Morrow, Kathleen (Johnson)
Mowat, Alan
Mowat, Winnie
Much, Mr.
Mud Lake
Mueller Family
Mundy, Miss.
Munger, Delphine
Murray Brothers
Murray, Jack
Murray, Joe.
Murray Mountain (Mouse)
Nautley Bridge
Nautley Indian Reserve
Nautley River
Nechako Bridge
Nechako Ferry
Nechako River
Nechako Valley
New Caledonia
Newman, August (Sr.)
Newman, August Stuart
Newman, Ethel
Newman, Mrs. Jeanne
Endako Star
Fort George Herald
Fort George Tribune
Hastings Chronicle
Nechako Chronicle
Prince George Citizen
Vanderhoof Herald
Nithi Mountain
Nithi River
Nithi Valley
Nolan, Edward.
Nooski, Charlie and Angela
North West Company
Notary Public
Oblate Fathers
Ogden, Charlie
Ogden, Mrs. (teacher)
Ogden, Peter Jr.
Ogden, Peter Skene
Ogston, George
Oland, Corporal C. F.
0lds, Charles (Sr.)
Olds, Gus
Oona Lake
Ootsa Lake
Olson, Julius
Olson, Oscar
Orange Valley
Ormand Creek
Ormand Lake
Orne, Ed
Orr, Ed
Our Club (W.l.) Fort Fraser
Owen, Frank
Palm, Tom
Panton, Mary (Barbour)
Patterson, Robert
Pegura, Betty
Pegura, Walter
Peters, Alex
Peters, Alfred
Peters, Archie
Peters, Beatrice
Peters, Bob and Jacqui
Peters, Evelyn
Peters Farm
Peters, Frank
Peters, Harry
Peters, Keith
Peters Lake
Peters, Leslie
Peters, Mary
Peters, Nellie
Peters, Sheriff Ernest Sturrock
Philpott, Vesta (nee Foote)
Pioneer Stage Lines
Pitts, Doctor and Mrs.
Plowman, Clarence and Enid
Plowman, Robert
Ponsford, Dorothy
Ponsford, Harold and Bet
Poole, Doctor
Poole, Mr. and Mrs. Will
Poole's Point
Post Offices:
Fort Fraser
Fraser Lake
Nithi River
Stella (Stellaco)
Pratt, Forest
Preston, Ben (family)
Price, Mr. and Mrs. John
Price, Thelma (Steiner)
Prince Rupert.
Prince Rupert Logging Company
Proctor, G. W.
Prosser Family
Prosser, Mrs. D. S.
Prosser, Reginald
Prosser's Store
Proservitch, Joseph
Public Works-Roads
Pulumbo, Mike
Quate, Jack
Quesnel, Mr.
Ray, Bruce
Ray, Duane
Ray, Ivan
Ray, Lloyd
Ray, Stanley
Rayner, P. M.
Reed, Mabel
Reeve's Store
Richards, Lyle
Richardson, Mr.
Rickert, Mr.
Riddall, Reverend
Ridge, Guy
Rimes, William J.
Ritchat, Don
Roberts, Bill
Robertson, Judge
Robertson's Beach.
Rock, Miss Mary
Rognes, Mr.
Rorison, Basil
Rorison Lake
Rose, Laura
Ross, Irene
Ross, Reverend John
Royal Canadian Legion Hall:
Fraser Lake
Ruddy, Andy
Rudland, Eric
Ryan, Louisa (LeDuke)
Rye, Connie
Sands, Mr.
Andy Day
Fort Fraser Planer
Fraser Lake
Goose Lake
West Fraser
Schijf, Doctor
Schmidt, Doctor
Schneider, Joe
Schneider, Wilf
Fort Fraser
Fraser Lake
Fraser Lake Elementary
Fraser Lake North Shore
Lily Lake
Nithi Mountain
Orange Valley
Stella (Stellaco)
Seaton, Carl
Settler's Effects
Seymour, Catherine (nee Ogen)
Shannon, Miss R. B.
Sherwin, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Shoofly (railroad)
Shulson, Nels
Sias, Mel
Sills, Mrs. Mavis
Sills, Ernest
Sinclair, William
Skins Lake Spillway
Slavin, Peter (family)
Smale, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Soldier Settlement Board
South Fort George
Spiller, Billy
Spiller, Mr. and Mrs.
Stake, Bror
Stake, Hans Hanson
Stanko, Steve
Stanyer, Jack
Stearns, Mr.
Steeg, Grace (Foote)
Steeg, Grace (Sr.)
Steeg, Hazel (Foote)
Steeg, James (Jr.)
Steeg, James P. (Sr.)
Steeg, Myrta (Kellogg)
Steele, Cecile (movies)
Steele, Doris
Steele, Lillian
Steele, Robert
Steele, Winona
Steiner, Frank
Steiner, Joe (Jr.)
Steiner, Joe (Sr.)
Steiner, Sabra
Steiner, Thelma (nee Price)
Stellako Falls
Stellako River
Stellaquo Indian Reserve
Sterns Lake
Sternwheeler, Bluenose
Stern wheeler , Chilco
Stevens, Doctor
Stibbs, Roy
Stokes, Mr. H.
Stolz, John
Stone, Doctor
Storing, Alec and Perry
Striegler, George
Stroud, Dick
Stuart, Charlie - Store
Stuart, John
Stuart Lake
Stuart River
Sturgess, Mr.
Survey Crews
Swannell, Frank
Swannell's Diary
Sweeder, Oscar (Sweder)
Sweetnam, Pearl
Sweetnam, Reverend William
Switlo, Ann Marie (nee Dahlgren)
Ta-cullies (Carrier Indian)
Talbot, F. A.
Tangedah1, Mike
Tas1iz Lake
Tatin Lake
Taylor, Betty
Telegraph Cabin (Office)
Telegraph Trail (Road)
Telford, Doris
Telford, Ralph
Telford, Thomas Mark
Tete J aune Cache
Thapage, Sousa
Thew, William
Thomas, Alan
Thomas, Dorothy
Thompson, D. S.
Thompson, Doctor
Thompson, Len
Thomson, James
Thornet, Eddie
Thorpe, Mr.
Thorson, Albert
Tick Tick Cabin (telegraph)
Tittemore, Amelia
Tittemore, Seymour
Tittemore, Thelma (Hawker)
Todd, A. C.
Tom, Old
Toth, Tony (family)
Trail, Chief Factor
Trout Lake
Uncha Lake
Village of Fraser Lake
Viney, Edward (family)
Viney, Henry
Vinnedge, Donald (Jr.)
Vital, LaForce Mr.
Vital's Ferry
Voters' List 1920:
Fort Fraser
Fraser Lake
Vye, Ivy
Walfridsson, Jonas
Walstrom, S. B.
Walton Families
Walton, Rhoda
Webster, Dan
Weeks, Harry
Western Union Telegraph Company
Westlake, Mary
White, Walter
Wiebe, Henry
Wilkie, Miss.
Will, Doctor Bruno
Williams, Garth
Williams, Miss.
Williams, Laurie
Williams, R. B.
Williamson Families
Willington Family
Williston, Ray
Wilson, Mrs.
Wilson, William (Bill)
Winters, Roger
Wolf Cub Pack
Women's Institute of Fort Fraser
Women's Institute of Fraser Lake
World War I
World War II
Worthen, Virgina
Wreggit Family
Yukon Airways Exploration Co.
Yukon Telegraph
Zadorozny, John
Zadorozny, Mabel (nee Steeg)