(Info submitted by Leah Touornd)
"I was looking for something else on Ootsa Lake and came across Else Lubcke Seel of Ootsa Lake in the Special Collections at the University of Victoria:
She seems like she was a very interesting lady...and a writer of some ability...she kept up a correspondence with the American writer and poet Ezra Pound for a number of years and her name comes up in collections of his papers too.
She was born in 1894 in Schivelbein Pomerania, and in 1927 she emigrated to Canada. In Vancouver she met and married George Seel a trapper from Ootsa Lake. The Vital Events Index shows they married on September 6, 1927 in Vancouver. She lived at Ootsa Lake for 25 years and raised two children with George, Rupert Seel and Gloria Seel. George Vitus Seel died April 1 1950 at Wistaria aged 61, suddenley and unexpectedly of pnuemonia. Else and the children moved to Victoria and later to Vancouver, Else died in Vancouver in Feb. 1974. Gloria Seel married David Reed in 1953. Else's writing has been translated from German into English, but to date has not been published. I notice George Seel is mentioned in the history of mining in the area, in the history of Houston....reportedly hauled a ton of ore out of the area of Swing Peak across the Tahtsa Reach in 1926."