James Grainger was born August 22 1883 in Huron County Ontario. He was the son of Thomas Grainger and Sarah Ann Page, his parents are buried in the Molesworth Cemetery of Howick Township, Ontario. As a young batchelor James Grainger applied for a Dominion Land Grant in Alberta and homesteaded on NE section 2, Township 48, Range 2, W4. In about 1917 he married Elenor Heath and together they raised a family of four, the youngest being the only one still living. The three now deceased were, Martin Harrison Grainger, Barrington Heath Grainger, and Kathleen Elaine Grainger. In 1936 the Grainger family left McLaughlin Alberta to relocate at Francois Lake. The first two years were spent at the settlement of Nadina, while a home "Riverside" was being built on the north shore of the Nadina River. James Grainger spent the next twenty years ranching on this "home place." He died July 8th 1957 and is buried in the Burns Lake Cemetery. It is believed he died of a heart attack> His wife died in the following month after suffering a stroke. She is also buried at Burns Lake.