Phil Brunnell:
In 1913, Mr. Brunnell moved to Endako from the States where he freighted with a team before coming to Burns Lake in 1915.
Mr. and Mrs. Brunnell and family stayed with the McKenna fmily for a short time while on their way to Wistaria where Mr. Brunnell preempted land. Bill and John McKenna then went to stay with the Brunnell family at Wistaria in order to make up the required number of children to open up the first school in the district.
After moving to Sheraton for a short time, he went to Decker Lake where he opened the first post office for that community as well as running a store. He also ran tie camps at Decker Lake and Rose Lake.
After the big fire in 1925 in Burns Lake they moved here, building and operating a grocery business on the site of the present Columbia Store. They also ran a subsiiary store at Southbank, and Mr. William Bickle and Mr. Brunnell had nutral interests in farming at Grassy Plains.
While in Burns Lake Mr. Brunnell built and lived in the former Jim Everett home, after which he built as a residence what is today now the Catholic Rectory.
The Brunnell family then moved to Vancouver in about the late thirties. Mr. Brunnell passed away in Victoria on October 23, 1962.
Richard Charles O'Hara:
In 1918 Richard and his parents settled on Boer Mountain farming the land. Later they moved to reside on the shore of Burns Lake. He worked with the B.C. Forest Service during the 1930's. He married Margaret Carruthers, sister to Bob Carruthers who was a former resident of Burns Lake. He passed away on July of 64.
Mrs. R. G. Stearns:
Mrs. Stearns came in 1918 to Burns Lake. At that time it consisted of a railway station and a partly constructed hotel. Also a post office and a few scattered tents. Helping her husband to run the local hardware store, which they gave up and moved to Tintagel. Passed away in September 1956.
Mathew F. Nourse:
Mr. Nourse was born April 29, 1878 in Wisconsin.
In search of more comfortable summer climate Mat Nourse toured northern B. C. walking from McBride to Terrace following the right of way of the G. T. P. railway then under construction.
Mr. Nourse located property on North Shore of Francois Lake. He returned to Burns Lake in 1914, his wife and child were to follow. A few months later Mr. Nourse and family lived in a tent. Until their log house was built at Francois Lake, they moved into their new home on Christmas Day 1914.
Mr. Nourse brought furs from the Indians travelling throughout the Cheslatta and Babine areas by horseback, boat, snowshoes or just plain walking.
The Nourse family moved into Burns Lake in 1921, working general agent, including real estate and insurance. From Mr. Nourse' early days in Burns Lake to late 1950s he was also an auctioneer. Both Mr. and Mrs. Nourse were instrumental in getting the hospital established in Burns Lake, when it was moved from Southbank. Mr. Nourse served on the Hospital Board and on the Board of Trade.
Mr. Nourse belonged to the Farmer's Institute and was also interested in baseball as a player, coach and spectator.
Mabel Collison:
Mrs. Collison came to Canada in 1902 to the Ridley Holmes mission at Metlakatla. There she married John Maxwell Collison, in the mission. They were married by her husband's father in 1908. Mr. and Mrs. Collison moved to Smithers with their family in 1929. The same year he was transferred here by Imperiol Oil Company. Mrs. Collison took an active part in Church work.
Hume Linton:
Hume came to this area in 1928 and settled in Burns Lake. He worked as a bookkeeper for the Public Works until his retirement in 1946 at the age of 67. He was active in the clubs in Burns. He passed away in 1964.
Gustav Adlolf Olsen Flogum:
Gust was born in Baldress, Norway on September 27, 1887. He was the second eldest in a family of eight, five boys and three girls.
He moved to B. C. in 1919 with a fellow farmer, S. N. Buchanan and settled in the Uncha Valley. From 1922 to 1944 he worked for the Department of Public Works. From 1944 to 1948 Gust Flogum and Tommy Jeffrey operated the Flogum-Jeffrey Sawmill at Babine Lake. After selling the mill in 1948, Gust returned to work at the Dept. of Highways and worked there until 1955 when he retired at the age of 68. He then worked part time for the village of Burns Lake plowing and grading roads until 1962.
Mr. Flogum was a keen hunter in his younger days and an ardent fisherman all his life.
For a number of years he was a member of the B. P. Order of the Elks, also belonging to the Senior Citizen Association.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ostberg:
Mr. Ostberg came to this district in 1918 with his parents and brother. Their property near Sauls', became their first home. After this burned down, they built a log cabin which became the first provincial police station and then the first forestry office.
Mr. Ostberg concentrated mainly on carpentry and construction work and also ran a funeral service.
Mrs. Ostberg came in 1919 with her parents and lived for a time in the McKenna roadhouse on the Decker Lake road, then homesteaded in Decker Lake.
After their marriage, their first home was on fifth Avenue. They built their own home in 1951.
While in Burns Lake, Mr. Ostberg was a very active member of the Omenica Ski Club. They moved to Quesnel in August of 1962.
Cecil Bennett:
Cecil came to this area in the 1900's and settled at Ootsa Lake. He was a butcher by trade but he took up ranching for many years. He married the former Lucille Guss. In later years he managed the post office and store at Ootsa Lake. He passed away in January 1961.
Mrs. Agnes Thompson:
The birthplace of Mrs. Thompson was Forfar, Scotland, taking up residence in Burns Lake district in 1911 with her husband.
Coming to the district as a bride, Mrs. Thompson was the first white women in the district. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson came in by pack horse from Houston which was the only supply center at that time. They took up land in the Tatalrose area, settling on what is now the N. Prebble ranch.
A daughter, now Mrs. Stephenson, of Tatalrose was the first white child born in Omineca district. She was born on the trail while the mother was on her way to Houston.
Mr. Jessie and Mabel Carroll:
Mr. and Mrs. Carroll moved to Palling in 1920 where they lived. Mrs. Carroll passed away October 16, 1962.
Mrs. Carroll was most active for a number of years as secretary of the Palling school when it was first organized and later as secretary of the Decker Lake School Board for twelve years. She also served the community as Notary Public for 25 years and for 6 years was bookkeeper for S. Anderson and Co.
Walter Wilson:
In 1931 Walter came to Burns Lake working for the forestry. He devoted a lot of his time to a Young Ranger Band Group. The young people started their group at Palling by the lake Bill Saunders. They cleared what is sometimes referred to as Dead Man's Island. With volunteered help the log cabin that is now standing on the island was built. When Lord Tweedsmuir, Governor General and his wife visited this area, he was invited at a cermony on the island, and the island is now a recognized park in B. C. now. Mr. Wilson was alos very active in fighting for the removal of the trees for the flooding of Ootsa Lake.
He later moved to White Rock where he passed away on November 27, 1964.
Wilfred Mould:
Wilfred Frank, born in Winchester, England on May 6, 1905 came to Canada in April of 1921, settling with his family at Rose Lake.
For almost forty years he was employed by the C.N.R. He was at one time acting roadmaster but in later years became section foreman in Burns Lake.
Mr. Mould was an active member of the A.F. and A.M. Tweedsmuir Lodge and the B.P.O. Elks, as well as steward of the St. Paul's Church.
He married Edna Orr who predeceased her husband in September of 1957.
Mrs. Edna Mould:
The former Edna Orr came with her family in 1919 and settled on the McKenna farm before they moved to Palling.
In 1923, Edna married Frank Mould who worked with the C.N.R. They moved finally to Topley.
She passed away on September 23, 1957.
Lee Newgard:
Mr. Newgard, born December 23, 1881, in St. Paul, Minnsota, came to Canada in 1907 and this particular area in 1915.
Having homsteaded at the west end of Ootsa Lake, Mr. Newgard came to Houston twice a year to get his mail and supplies, walking the 47 miles over the Buck Flats Road.
Mr. Newgard married Nora Middleton on December 5, 1923. In 1937 they built and operated a store and post office which they named Noralee after themselves.
Mr. and Mrs. Newgard moved to Houston in 1937 where they have resided ever since. In 1957, Mr. Newgard was appointed chairman of the Village Council, a position he held until his retirement in 1936 due to ill health.
Joseph Lambert Loughheed:
Joseph came to Danskin in 1921 where he settled doing mixed farming.
He worked for the Department of Public Works and helped build many of the roads in that area. He passed away in February 1962.
Fay Sherman Short:
Mr. Short, born in Altona, Kansas moved to Washington while still a child.
Coming to Canada in 1912, Mr. Short worked on the construction of the railroads, at the same time preempting land at Colleymount.
After the railroad had gone-through, Mr. Short farmed at Smithers on Timothy Hills, settling in Colleymount in 1919, where he married Ethel Innes of Rossland, B. C.
Mr. and Mrs. Short moved to Burns Lake in 1923 where they made their home near the present site of the Civic Center, with Mr. Short freighting until their move back to Colleymount in 1926.
Their son's schooling was the cause of another move to Smithers. The Short family farmed at Owen Lake for ten years before settling at Colleymount.
Mr. Short was a well-liked man and a much respected member of the community and district.
Marcus James Brewer:
Mr. Brewer came to Nadina River in 1913 where he preempted land. He used to recall his early days in Burns Lake, Freeport as it was then called, when he freighted in supplies from Hazelton for the railway construction crews. At that time Burns Lake consisted of one roadhouse and a tent run by Barney Mulvaney.
In 1955, Mr. and Mrs. Brewer decided to live in town and sold their farm to Mr. Dick Schreiber.
While at Nadina, Mr. Brewer took an active interest in the development of that istrict, helping to build the first school at Noralee. He was also actively interested in the Noralee Farmers' Institute.
During his time in Burns Lake, he contirued to take an active part in local affairs. He served on the School Board as trustee and was president of the Burns Lake C.C.F. Association since its formation.
Among his many friends, Jim numbered the Indians of the Nadina District with whom he had many dealings, also attending their potlaches.
Mr. Brewer passed away on September 25, 1958.
Harold Victor Bennett:
Mr. Bennett first arrived in the Ootsa Lake district in 1906, travelling over the Bella Coola trail. He had already spent several years wondering about since leaving his native Walverhampton, England, to serve with the Imperial Yeomanry in the South African Boer War.
In the early days, Mr. Bennett was well known as a trader, travelling widely through out the Chilcotin and Anniheim Lake country buying furs from the Indians, with whom they became very friendly, learning their language and ways of living.
In the year of 1911, Mary Johnston arrived from England to join him in Hazelton. They were married on June 12 and together they journeyed back to Ootsa Lake on horseback.
The Bennett children grew up at Ootsa Lake, each receiving their education in the old log school built by the early settlers in 1919. Also in 1919 the Bennetts built and operated a hotel until 1942 when Mrs. Bennett died. This hotel also served as the Ootsa Lake post office and for 28 years Mr. Bennett was postmaster. When the Ootsa Lake area was flooded, Mr. Bennett retired to the Burns Lake Rest Home.
Samuel Eakin:
In 1909 Samuel came with his parents over the Bella Coola trail when he was nine years old.
He settled at Ootsa Lake where he resided up to his death on June 4, 1957.
W. H. Harrison:
Bill settled at Ootsa Lake in 1909. He came to the area by the Blackwater trail on a pack train via Cheslatta.
He was joined by his wife, the former Minnie Brown, who with their family of 12 children settled at what is now known as Harrison Bay.
With the flooding of Ootsa Lake, they moved to Vanderhoof.
Bill passed away on July 10, 1957.
Minnie Lucille Harrison:
Mrs. Harrison came to this area in 1915 and settled at Oot&a Lake where husband built a home since his coming in 1909.
Mrs. Harrison and family came over the old Houston trail on horses with their belongings on pack horses.
The first school was built in 1915. Many will remember the times that they sat in school and watched a moose or deer out in the meadow beside the school.
The last fifteen years, Mrs. Harrison lived with her daughter, Mrs. Martha Ragsdale. She passed away on November 19, 1961.
Vern Taylor:
Vern arrived with his parents in 1919 and settled in Uncha Valley.
Later on he operated a freighting line from Francois Lake to Burns Lake. He also built and operated the Francois Lake store which he later sold to Mr. and Mrs. H. Neave.
In Burns Lake he purchased the former Eby's Store, which he sold to Mrs. Charles Beck. He also built a feed store on Francois Lake Drive where he was very active in starting up the Burns Lake Co-operative Association. In 1952 Vern went in partnership with Art Ager in V & A Builders Supply.
He passed away on March 12, 1961.
Hans Home:
In 1917 Hans moved to Danskin where he operated a mill and farmed.
In 1942 Hans and his brother Pete and Nels Woole went into partnership operating a sawmill at Francois Lake. In 1951 he and his wife built the Lake View Rest Home on Gerow Island.
He passed away on October 12, 1957.
Mrs. L. L. Watt:
Mrs. Laura Lee Watt was born in 1888 on December 26 at Farmington, Minnesota. She married John Stephenson having one son and two daughters by this marriage. Being left a widow she later married William Watt of Kitscoty, Alberta, having six sons and three daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Watt and family arrived in Burns Lake on Christmas Eve in 1923. They stayed in Burns Lake until the following April until they moved to Bickle, now known as Tatalrose. They returned to Burns Lake where Mr. Watt predeceased his wife ten years ago.
Anders Madse:
Madse first came to the district in 1917, settling at Danskin farming. He owned the present Ike Knelson residence. In 1955 he moved to Burns Lake residing on 6th Avenue. He was a good neighbour and always willing to lend a hand. He passed away in March of 1964.
Seymour Rudolph Loveseth:
Born at Fairdale, North Dakota in 1904, Seymour came to Danskin with his family in 1921. In 1934 Seymour Loveseth married Alma Hamre of Danskin. They had one son, Dennis.
Like most of the families in the area, the Loveseths farmed as well as having a sawmill and logging operation.
They moved to Francois Lake in 1948 and remained there until the time of Mr.L Loveseth's death on March 28, 1967.
William Morre:
William, who was born in Maidstone Kent, England in 1880, served in the Boer War from 1899 to 1902 coming to Canada the following year. Landing in eastern Canada, Mr. Morre worked in lumber camps and ranches before coming to B. C. in 1905. He worked as a scowman on the Fraser River for several years from Tete Jaune to Ft. George.
When the First World War broke out in 1914 Mr. Morre enlisted, going overseas with the 29th Infantry Battalion. During his four years overseas, he met and married a Scottish girl. They returned to Canada in 1919, settling at Southbank where they cooked at the Keefe Hotel. In 1921, they homesteaded at Tatalrose where he lived ever since loggin, farming and tie-cutting.
Mr. Morre was one of the original members of the Tatalrose Farmer's Institute.
He lived with his son and daughter-in-law following the death of his wife in 1946 except for the last two winters spent at the Lake View Rest Home.
Fred Tolhurst:
First came to this country in 1922 and settled at the west end of Francois Lake. He farmed his land and was active in local clubs. He married Mary Muir and while he farmed she taught at the Noralee School. Mary passed away in June and Fred in August of 1964.
Mrs. Johanna Starr:
Mrs. Starr came to the United States in 1894 and married Christen Madsen Christensen of Buffalo. They lived there until 1902.
In 1916, while recovering from a period of ill health, she travelled to Francois Lake to visit a friend. There she met Jacob Henkle, one of the first settlers of the area. She returned the following year to become his bride. Together they lived a hard but interesting life until his death in 1945.
Mrs. Henkle wrote a vivid account of their life in this area. She loved Francois Lake and became an active supporter of community affairs. Mrs. Henkle was secretary of the Francois Lake Farmer's Institute at the time of the building of the seed cleaning plant.
Mrs. Henkle remained at Francois Lake until 1958 when failing eyesight forced her to move to the rest home at Burnaby. There she met and married Mr. Starr. After two short years of marriage and was again left a widow. Lonely and longing for the north she moved to Prince George where she spent the rest of her life in the Simon Fraser Hospital. She was 97 years old when she died.
Mrs. Margaret Gilgan:
With her husband Margaret settled at Tchesinkut Lake in 1918. For many years she taught school and looked after the post office. Mrs. Gilgan passed away in North Burnaby on January 1, 1957.
Merle Moore:
Mr. Moore came in 1921 and homesteaded at Tchesinkut Lake. Here he farmed like many others. In 1944 he moved to Burns Lake, where he worked at the Lakes District Hospital.
He passed away in December, 1963.
James Miles Jensen:
Mr. Jensen was well known in this area as Taylor Jensen. Coming in 1914, he homesteaded at Tchesinkut Lake. In the early 1920's he moved to Gerow Island. Taylor was a crapenter by trade and helped in building the store that was on the Island.
He passed away in December 1963.